Thursday, June 4, 2009

New Urbanism Meets the Existing City

By Harvey Gant, Congress for the New Urbanism

I was drawn to and attracted by the philosophy and prin-ciples of New Urbanism immediately upon hearing aboutthem five years ago. The use of the word "new" affixedto "urbanism" suggested freshness, vitality and energy.The concepts of liveability, sustainability, small-scaleneighborhood development, walkability and moreintense utilization of public transportation were appeal-ing to someone like me, who had literally spent decadesfighting suburban sprawl. The notion that the publicrealm was important to building a sense of communitymeant a lot to me, since I had been an elected officialstruggling at times to get funding for parks, sidewalksand open space. It was also important to see the conceptof connectible streets—old gridiron patterns designed tocontrol traffic without giving automobiles dominance. Icould go on and on touting the merits of New Urbanism,for all it has meant for bettering urban settlement pat-terns and controlling sprawl read more.

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